IT Starts With You


Become a Citizen for a Strong Democracy


Citizens for a Strong Democracy is an unprecedented bi-partisan effort

CSD educates and engages voters across the country, led by four former Secretaries of Homeland Security under both Republican and Democratic presidents—Tom Ridge, Michael Chertoff, Janet Napolitano, and Jeh C. Johnson.



This year, voters have to worry about a global pandemic that could make in-person voting a risk to their health. There have been widespread news reports of foreign interference, challenges with state elections systems, along with concerns over the speed and function of the U.S. Postal Service. Further, a majority have changed their state voting laws since the last election, impacting 86 million voters. We are closing in on a key moment—the closing weeks of an historic presidential election and the weeks that follow.



This bipartisan effort will communicate a message of security and safety at the highest levels and at a national scale. The bipartisan cabinet members can speak with the seriousness and clarity to impart a message to the American people that they can rely upon the fact that the United States of America has a lawful process for counting ballots, federal and state institutions that protect the safety and security of elections, and a history of peaceful transitions of power.



Citizens for a Strong Democracy works with a bipartisan group of cabinet secretaries that have had the role of protecting our homeland against all enemies—foreign and domestic.

CSD will reinforce the message that there are voting systems and processes to count ballots that will ensure that we have a safe, secure election and that citizens should vote. CSD will ladder up to messages explaining that while there are heightened concerns this year, the electoral process works, and the country will continue securely and will have a safe transition of power, if one is dictated.


Citizens for a Strong Democracy will continue to work beyond Election Day to ensure all votes are counted and the results are respected.

There is no other organization focused on the transition of power, if that is what is directed by the votes of the Electoral College. If the President refuses to accept the results, we will educate voters and elevate messages around the continuity of government and how a transition of power operates and occurs from one party to the next.