Citizens for a strong democracy statement on mayorkas confirmation

Four former bipartisan Secretaries of Homeland Security call for swift confirmation of Mayorkas to lead Homeland Security

Washington, D.C. – Thursday, January 21, 2021 – Today, Citizens for a Strong Democracy (CSD) -- founded and led by four former bipartisan Secretaries of Homeland Security -- released the following statement in support of Mayorkas's confirmation to lead the Department of Homeland Security:

"It is imperative that the Senate moves swiftly to confirm Alejandro Mayorkas as Secretary of Homeland Security. His credentials and experience are indisputable. Delaying the process, as Senator Hawley is trying to do, is irresponsible. In these times of heightened domestic security concerns, our nation cannot afford a leaderless DHS one day longer.”

Citizens for a Strong Democracy’s mission is to strengthen democratic institutions and help bridge the partisan divide. It is led by Michael Chertoff, DHS secretary from 2005-09 in the Bush administration; Jeh Johnson, DHS secretary from 2013-17 in the Obama administration; Janet Napolitano, DHS secretary from 2009-13 in the Obama administration; and Tom Ridge, the first DHS secretary, from 2003-05, in the Bush administration.


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