Poll: Some 10% of Trump supporters say Biden won

Originally posted on Axio here.
By Hans Nichols, author of Sneak Peek

Trump supporters at a rally in Reading, Pa. Photo: Mandel Ngan/AFP via Getty Images.

Trump supporters at a rally in Reading, Pa. Photo: Mandel Ngan/AFP via Getty Images.

Some of President Trump’s own supporters are not convinced he won the 2020 election, with one in 10 of them saying they think Joe Biden will be the next president, according to a new poll from a bipartisan group focused on strengthening democratic institutions.

Why it matters: With mail-in voting expanding Biden's lead and the president promising legal battles in several states, perceptions of the results are starting to form, according to the survey by Citizens for a Strong Democracy. The group is led by former Department of Homeland Security secretaries from both parties.

  • Some 43% of respondents remain unclear about the outcome, with 37 percent believing Biden won and 18% thinking Trump did.

  • Among Trump voters, 37% think he won the race, but 10% think Biden did.

  • By contrast, 64% of Biden’s voters believe their candidate is the victor.

  • By a nearly five-to-one ratio (42% to 9%), independent voters named Biden the winner.

The big picture: Some 80 percent of respondents in the 1,000 voter survey, conducted by phone during the two days after the election, say they will accept its outcome.

  • State elections officials received a 67% approval rating on handling the situation since Election Day, including 54% from Trump supporters.

But but but: There's real concern about election-related violence, with 85 percent thinking “violence is occurring or will occur as a result of this election.”

  • Some 92% agree “violence because of the results of an election is never acceptable.”


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