TODAY Show: CSD Leaders Reassure Americans About Election Integrity


Citizens for a Strong Democracy’s leadership appeared on NBC’s TODAY Show to reinforce the integrity of the American electoral process. Watch the video. Secretaries of Homeland Security Tom Ridge, Michael Chertoff, Janet Napolitano, and Jeh C. Johnson —who served under both Republican and Democratic presidents—spoke with TODAY Show co-anchor Savannah Guthrie about some of the most pressing issues and concerns as the nation approaches Election Day, November 3rd.

The secretaries urged Americans to have faith in the time-tested voting process, which has endured difficult moments before. “We had a national presidential election in 1864, when the nation was literally at war with itself, “ Secretary Johnson told Guthrie. “We know how to do this.”

In a year when some, including those in the highest positions of government, are deliberately sowing doubt about the election’s legitimacy, the secretaries provided reassurance that the country’s voting system is secure and reliable. They agreed that accusations and fears about widespread voter fraud are simply unwarranted. “There is no real prospect of widespread fraud in the election,” said Secretary Chertoff.

The secretaries also urged Americans to be patient as all votes are counted -- a process that might very well last beyond Election Day. “The delay in the final count is not -- in any manner, shape or form -- evidence of widespread fraud,” said Secretary Ridge. “November 3rd is the last day to cast your vote, not the last date for the vote to be counted.”

Reminding voters that democracy takes time, Secretary Napolitano said, “People just need to take a deep breath and let the counting proceed.”

Watch the secretaries’ interview on the TODAY Show.


Citizens for a Strong Democracy (CSD) is an unprecedented bi-partisan effort to educate and engage voters across the country.


Fmr. Homeland Security secretaries urge calm before Election Day


Our election systems are safe and our democracy is strong: Ex-Homeland Security secretaries